New York City
Carpet Cleaning in NYC The Green Choice Way
Our mission at Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC is to give you the best green carpet and rug cleaning service at an affordable price.
For two decades Green Choice Carpet Cleaning has provided superior cleaning services to the New York Cityy area.
If you want to experience the best carpet and rug cleaning service, call Green Choice.
We can provide Same Day Service too!

Green Choice only employs certified and experienced technicians. But being experienced and certified is not good enough to be a Green Choice Carpet Cleaning Technician. We give them additional training in using our green cleaning technology and to provide courteous and knowledgeable service to our customers. When you let us clean your carpets and rugs, you will be served by a highly professional carpet and rug cleaner who will work until you are 100% satisfied with the result.

NYC Carpet And Rug Cleaning Service
If you call Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC we can provide a free estimate on how much it can cost to clean your carpet.
We will arrange a time that is convenient to you and have a technician visit your home or office. Our technicians can then inspect your rugs and carpets and give you options for cleaning.
If the carpet manufacturer has cleaning recommendations our technician will follow them If you need your rugs cleaned Green Choice Rug Cleaning NYC has a free pick and delivery service in the metro New York City area.
All pick-up and deliveries are at a time convenient to you.
Green Choice Rug Cleaning NYC operates its own rug cleaning facility. We can clean any type of area rug thanks to a state of the art equipped rug cleaning factory.
If you have an Oriental rug or a Persian rug, our rug cleaning specialists will carefully hand wash them and dry them out in temperature-controlled rooms.
When you need a professional carpet cleaning NYC, call us at +1-212-201-0529.
Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC Only Uses Green Cleaners
All of our services utilize 100% green cleansers that are certified “green” by various cleaning institutions.
From rug cleaning to upholstery cleaning, we only select cleansers that contain natural ingredients, such as citric acid, salt, and soda ash. These cleaners are not only safe for children and small pets but have no impact on the environment.
As a family-owned and operated company in NYC, we understand that you want to protect your family from the dangers of cleaning chemicals.

That’s why we guarantee never to use a cleaning agent or process in your home that we wouldn’t use in ours. Don’t be fooled by the many carpet cleaning companies that advertise green cleaning but only offer basic steam cleaning. We use state-of-the-art and certified green cleaners, de-greasers, and protectants that are proven by the EPA to provide a far superior cleaning.

We Are A Full Service Carpet Cleaning Service in NYC
Green Choice Carpet’s cleaning technology also provides superior upholstery and mattress cleaning in NYC .
If your couch or sofa has deeply embedded dirt and stains, our professional steam cleaning will remove them. Any odors will be completely gone and your couch or sofa will be clean and fresh again.
Our mattress steam cleaning can make sure you have a great night’s sleep. Mattresses can accumulate odor from bacteria and bed bugs can keep you awake at night.
Our steam cleaning kills the bacteria and bed bugs in your mattress and gives you a fresh smelling mattress. We use the same green cleaning solution so your couch or mattress cleaning will be chemical-free. Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC is your one-stop company for your carpet, rug, mattress, and upholstery cleaning needs in NYC
Free Pick Up and Delivery. Your Local Area Rug Specialists.
No One Size Fits All.
At Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC, we understand that customers require carpet cleaning services in NYC differently.
We offer an assortment of services that rightly meet your needs. With almost 20 years in experience, we specialize in the most effective Green Steam Cleaning Service, but can also offer Dry Carpet Cleaning in case a customer needs it cleaned and dried quickly and Deep Cleaning in case you need to remove allergens, dust, and dander that our Deep Green Cleaning cannot beat.
Please ask us as well about our basic packages for inexpensive carpet cleaning and are all eco-friendly.

Call us today for a memorable carpet cleaning experience in NYC.
When dirt gets deep into your carpets, it gets down and clings to the fibers. While other cleaners mostly rely on harsh cleaning methods to separate the dirt or dissolve it from your rug’s fibers, we use the natural and non-toxic method to clean your carpets. Our natural carpet cleaning service relies on millions of tiny bubbles that safely break the dirt particles and lift them to the surface for our technicians to quickly extract them with specialized machines.

Keep Your Carpet Sparkling With Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC
Carpet cleaning is one of the most important home cleaning needs that every home cannot live without.
A welcoming home has the cleanest carpets on its floors, and so does a refreshing one.
Keeping your carpets exceptionally clean is our business, we are your best carpet and home cleaning partner, so, you can sit back, relax and trust Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NYC.
We give your home that welcoming and refreshing feel that lasts longer.
Quality & Healthy Cleaning : How We Clean Carpets
At Grееn Choice Cаrреt Clеаnіng this іѕ thеse are the ѕtерs wе tаkе to еnѕurе quаlіtу аnd hеаlthу cleaning оf your саrреt and rugs:
- Fіrѕt, wе рrе-соndіtіоn tо ѕоftеn еvеn thе mоѕt stubborn ѕtаіnѕ, whісh makes thеm easier tо remove.
- Nеxt, wе ѕрrау a hеаtеd, high-pressure сlеаnіng solution thаt реnеtrаtеѕ the fіbеrѕ.
- Fіnаllу, our еxреrt ѕtаff uses a hаnd-ѕроt еxtrасtіоn unіt, whісh dissolves аnd rеmоvеѕ аnу residual particles.

Green Choice Area Rug Cleaners in NYC Provides Free Pick Up and Delivery!
We know you need professional area rug cleaning service, but you don’t have time to bring it over to us – that is not a problem.
At Green Choice Rug Cleaning NYC, we provide free pick-up and delivery in the NYC area for area rug professional cleaning.
So you don’t need to struggle to bring your heavy rug to us; we will take care of that for free.
Whether your rug is stained by pet, liquid, dirt, or debris, we can clean it with easy and restore the beauty of your rug.
Just call us and relax while we clean your area rug and return it to your house in a very short time.
We encourage you not to use any machine and cleaner to clean your rug because the job should be done by a professional who will be able to hand-wash it with little water and organic washing materials. Contact us today and we’ll safely clean your rug for you.
Are you looking for an expert in rug cleaning in NYC?
One of the most important things in your home is your rug because it filters dirt and dust to leave you with clean air to breathe. Unfortunately, it will get to a certain point where the rug will not be able to filter dirt and dust, hence the need to clean it professionally.
When it comes to rug cleaning, you need an expert to clean your rug professionally.
If you are looking for an expert in rug cleaning in NYC, look no further because Green Choice Carpet has the expertise required to clean your rug professionally.

At Green Choice Carpet cleaning NYC, we have the most experienced rug cleaners who are always available to provide highly professional cleaning services for area rugs of all materials and types.
Whether it is machine-produced rugs or handmaid heirlooms, we can preserve the integrity and natural beauty of your rug.
We clean your rug to renew its brightness and restore its vivid hues.

Why Do You Need Rug Cleaning Specialist in NYC
Rug cleaning involves a lot of hard work and being down on your knee cleaning your rug can cause back pain. That is why a lot of people choose specialists to clean their rugs for them. Why struggle to clean your rug when you can hire a specialist to clean it for you while you go about your business?
If you are still wondering why you need rug cleaning specialist in NYC to clean your rug professionally, then you need to know that rug cleaning specialist will make your rug more hygienic. We don’t only clean your rug; we make sure it is hygienic, allergen free, stain free, dust mite free, bed bug free and remain clean for a longer period.
If you are looking for rug cleaning specialist in NYC, GreenChoiceCarpets can help. This is what we do every day and if you are looking for the best cleaning results, we are the best rug cleaning company in NYC.
Do You Want to Protect Your Carpet, Rug and Upholstery from Stains?
Do you know your carpet, rug and upholstery can remain stain free for longer? When your carpet, rug and upholstery are treated with our unique stain protector, they will remain stain free for a long period. We understand you don’t want to hire cleaners every time that is why we apply specially formulated protector on your rug, carpets and upholstery after cleaning. It will make them remain clean and stain free for long.

With GreenChoiceCarpets, proper stain protection is easy. After a professional cleaning, we will apply stain protection to your sofa, rugs and carpets. The protector will form an invisible layer that will not change the feel and look of your furniture, rugs or carpets. The stain protection we will apply will create a permanent layer against fading, soiling, stains and spills.
Whether it is a stain from children, wine or blood, our stain protection will make sure they don’t get into your rugs, carpets and upholstery.

Free Pick-Up/Delivery for Wool Area Rug Cleaning in NYC
If you are looking for free pick-up/delivery for wool area rug cleaning in NYC, GreenChoiceCarpets is the only rug cleaning company that truly offer free pick-up/delivery for wool area rug cleaning in NYC.
And the best part of our service is that it is easy to schedule our free pick-up/delivery services. Just give us a call or fill our request form online and one of our technicians will come to your home or office to pick the rug at the time that suits you best.
We offer free pick-up/delivery for professional rug cleaning in NYC and we can deliver your rug within a day.
Our free pick-up and delivery is part of our ways of providing value to our customers. We don’t only offer free pick-up and delivery for wool area rug cleaning in NYC, we provide a free quote as well. If you are looking for professional rug cleaning at an affordable rate, contact us today.
About New York City or NYC
New York or NYC is absolutely one of the most famous cities in the world. The City has many nicknames for its own reason The big apple, the capital of the world, The Empire City, etc are few. over 22 million people are living in New York Cities.
New York is the financial capital of the USA we could even say that NYC or we can even say even the world Nasdaq, and The New York Stock exchange which is the largest stock exchange in the world is situated in New york city.

What is New York Most Famous For?
New York is famous for many things. New York has a rich history in so many things. There are not a lot of cities like NYC that have influence like this on the world
- Statue of Liberty: One of the seven wonders in the world this 305 feet statue was a gift from France to the United States which is made up of copper it is located in Liberty Island, Manhattan, New York City
- Central Park: This is the most important park in the Manhattan area and New York City. It is an urban park 2.5 miles long
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Carpet Cleaning
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If you need a fast, reliable, and safe green carpet cleaning service, we can help! Check out our other service area as well.